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| Laboratories and Workshops


    Landmark College maintains well-equipped and modern laboratories for Chemistry, Physics and Biology.

    We understand the need for practical exercises after classroom theoretical teaching and these are amply provided for in the school’s programme.

  • Two students working together.

    Suitable workshops are provided for Introductory Technology, Technical Drawing, Clothing and Textile, Food and Nutrition and Fine Arts.

  • Students studying in a classroom.

    Information Communications Technology (ICT) has become a modern tool in all facets of human life, the knowledge of which goes a long way in determining the relevance of individuals in the modern-day scheme of things. It is in the realization of this that Landmark College committed a huge amount of resources in the provision of ICT facilities ( both human and material) to ensure effective learning as well as administrative functions. Materials, support and guidance to encourage and enable effective teaching across the curriculum using ICT have been put in place.

    Also, our ICT unit also provides help and guidance for effective whole-school management. In order to be in tuned with latest facilities and tools for learning and teaching, the school has in place interactive whiteboards to allow more varied, creative and seamless use of teaching materials thereby encouraging learner participation, through the ability to interact with materials on the board.

    Latest and high specification computers have been provided to meet the demand of heavy multimedia applications. The entire school is networked with 24 hours monitored internet access. Software to facilitate teaching and learning on various subjects have been installed and regularly upgraded.

  • Band class with the students.

    Students are encouraged to develop new skill and interest in music and instrumentation. The Music Room is provided various essential instruments such as Guitar, Drum set, Piano, Organ, Violins, Saxophone, piccolo, and many others. The lessons are mostly practical in nature and are conducted in a most resourceful manner, which allow an individual student the opportunity to fully master at least one instrument. Interested students can join the college choral group.

  • Art and cultural event.

    The innate creative talents of our students are allowed full expression in the Art and Craft classes where varieties of tools are available for their use. Tutored by experienced artists, the students are exposed to various forms of art including life drawing, abstract drawing, tie and dye or cloth designs, painting, advertising designs, pottery and much more.

  • Math equation on a black board.

    The Mathematics Laboratory provides our students with the timely access to geometric objects that enhance the easy explanation of shape-related topics. We have savvy teachers on the team to ensure a better understanding of the subject.

    Our Mathematics team ensures that the core principles guiding the subject is well passed across through practical illustrations, use of examples and effective classroom level interactions.

    This shared learning environment enhances each student’s confidence level and in turn ability to handle more difficult examples. Our past records in the different external examinations’ Mathematics scores reveal our rating in this core subject area.

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    Our state of the act classroom furniture is the best you can find. Our classes are spacious and conducive.

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    Our comfortable and well decorated reception serves as a warm entry point into our great citadel of learning.

| Sports and Recreation

At Landmark College secondary school in Lagos, we believe in the education of a TOTAL CHILD, which explains why we do not limit the child’s education to the classroom; we cater for the child’s physical, mental, social, and emotional needs. Research has continually linked a child’s test scores with his/her physical activity rate. Physical education and recreation in general have been found to be contributing factor to higher test scores. The idea is for students to be active and to see that physical activity can be fun, as well as helpful in preventing obesity and dismal health later in life.

We have thus put in place a state of the art sports complex that allows a wide range of sports and games to be offered. They are

  • Athletics
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Lawn Tennis
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball

And indoor sports hall for indoor games such as : Scrabble, Chess, Monopoly, table tennis, ayo etc are also available in addition to a well equipped gymnasium


| Library

The resource centre is an eloquent testimony that the college places a high premium on scholarship and productive self-research. The College library is commodious enough to allow several students at the same time. More significantly, it is adequately stocked with books, periodicals and volumes of encyclopedia, newspaper, and other publication, which enable the library to continuously serve as a valuable resource centre for staff and students’ education.

Placed under the firm and expert control of a professional Librarian, the library is upgraded regularly.

Library filled with students.

| Health Facilities

The college operates a well-equipped clinic with highly qualified medical personnel. In addition, the college has a special hospital where serious cases of illness are referred to. It is mandatory that every new student presents a medical report/fitness certificate from a recognized hospital, on resumption at the school.

We also insist that all drugs and medicaments brought into the school by any student be handed over to the school’s medical personnel with the family doctor’s instructions.

A nurse checking on her patient.
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